CoolSculpting: Freeze Your Fat & Get a Killer Body Without Surgery

Our bodies are never given to us perfect, this is a fact of life. However, many people don’t realize that they don’t have to live with those imperfections forever, especially when the imperfections in question are already well studied and treatment methods have been developed to address and remove them. All you need is to work with a competent plastic surgeon who has enough experience in the field, and you can soon enjoy a completely transformed body, lacking any of what made you insecure about yourself before.

You don’t have to subject yourself to any surgical procedures to make yourself look good! For example, getting rid of fat no longer requires liposuction (when a plastic surgery approach is concerned). Instead, you can go for something like coolsculpting, which can very efficiently remove your fat (by destroying the cells that make it up themselves) without requiring any surgical interventions.

Coolsculpting, great and successful as it is, should be applied very carefully if you want to avoid any problems with it. The thing is, even though it can easily remove your unwanted fat and make you look as great as you want to be, it also has the potential to cause problems if it’s performed by an inexperienced surgeon who doesn’t understand the delicate aspects of the procedure.

That’s why the most important thing when looking for a clinic to address your issues is to find a good plastic surgeon to trust in the first place. And this mostly only takes time. You just have to go online, look for the good plastic surgeons in your local area, and compare what people have to say about them outside of their websites.

That’s an important point to touch because you can’t always trust everything that a surgeon has to say about them. To get an idea of what a surgeon can truly do for you, you’ll have to read up what other people have to say about their work. If there are any problems with the surgeon’s services at all, they should become very obvious with just a few quick searches.

Make sure you’re informed about the actual procedure that you’ll be getting done as well. In the case of coolsculpting, there might be a few things you can do to prepare yourself for the procedure more adequately, and the Internet is full of useful information about that. Just go online and find out what you should or shouldn’t do before you’ve even approached your surgeon – and after you’ve talked with them, they should shed some extra light on the kinds of things you’ll need to be careful with before your surgery.

There are, of course, some things that will be substantial after the surgery as well, but these mostly depend on the kind of procedure you were getting done, as well as the opinion of the surgeon after they’re done working on you. Just listen to what they have to say about your recovery period and follow their advice carefully!

Is a Butt Lift Right for You?

Are you wondering if a butt lifting is right for you? Read on…

In this post, we would like to answer one of these unanswered questions about butt lifting. “Is Butt Lifting Right for Me”? This is one of the serious questions our clients have been asking us for quite a while. Having many years of experience in cosmetic surgery, we have given the best possible answers you can get from experts.

Is The Question Worth Asking?

Some of you may think that it is a wrong question to ask, but believe it or not, a sagging or flat butt is a real issue for many women out there. Some women are born with a flat butt as a pancake while others seem to drop their well-rounded shapes as they become older.

Watching various songs or looking at many Instagram accounts, you will realize that many women are concerned more about their booty than ever before. To keep up with the trend, some of them are looking for successful ways to achieve a bootylicious look. Butt lifting is one of the suggestions they are getting from surgeons making them turn to the internet for health information.

Is It Right For You?

Basically yes. A butt lift is right for you if you want to improve the size, shape, and volume of your buttocks. If done properly by the most experienced surgeon, the procedure will guarantee a rounder butt or even a nice slimmer body.

The most important factor in considering a butt lift is your overall health. You must be in good medical condition to go for any kind of plastic or cosmetic surgery. You may not be a good candidate if you have serious medical conditions such as neurological disorders, heart-related disorders or lung conditions. You should, therefore, consult with your family doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

How is it different from butt implant?

Butt lifts and butt implants are both meant to improve the size, shape, and volume of the buttocks but in reality, they are not the same thing. A butt lift is a surgical technique that uses liposuction procedure to harvest fat from one area of the body and then inject it into the buttocks particularly on the outer hips or checks.

On the other hand, butt implant involves the surgical insertion of artificial body implants such as gel silicone implants or water-based implants into one’s buttocks to achieve a shapelier, larger and more seductive rear end.

Make a decision today

You can schedule an appointment today with one of our highly qualified cosmetic surgeons to determine whether this procedure is right for you. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the procedure itself and potential outcomes.

Butt Implants: Make Your Booty Bigger, Rounder & Fuller

Curvy is in, and many women regardless of age are increasingly turning to butt implants to achieve a fuller, rounder and curvier booty.

Individuals who aren’t satisfied with the contours of their backside, or who wish to enhance the appearance and size of their buttocks area can attain this through the use of butt implants.

In recent years, the demand for buttock augmentation surgery using implants has seen an upward trend despite the facts that the cost of getting butt implants surgically placed can go through the roof and that the health insurance companies usually do not cover the cost of the procedure.

Butt Implants: The Basics
Unlike breast implants, butt implants are solid silicone pouches that are inserted into the buttocks through a small incision. Since the butt implants are made of solid silicon they cannot rupture and leak any fluid into the body.

While performing the surgery, the surgeon first makes a two to three-inch incision either towards the top on both sides of the upper buttock or at the point where the butt meets the top of the thigh. Then a pocket is created by the surgeon and the solid silicone implant is inserted into this newly created pocket through the incision.

While the implants usually are positioned between the buttock muscle and fat, in some cases they are implanted within the main buttock muscle.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Buttock implantation takes at least two hours to complete and the patient can go home within an hour or so after the surgery.

Swelling of the treated area may last for up to three months, and the same time period is required for the implants to settle into their normal position. Nearly a week after the operation, the patient is able to do normal, everyday activities, including sitting and walking for a short distance. For any strenuous activity, like gym work, bicycling, or running you are advised to wait for four to six weeks.

Following the surgery, you may be given a surgical garment to wear for about two to three weeks. As only a small incision is made in the buttock fold, only a small scar will appear which will gradually become less visible.

Infection, bleeding, blood clots, nerve, and/or muscle damage, numbness or tingling, slippage and asymmetry in the butts are some risks and complications that are associated with surgical implantation of butt implants.

With the latest advancements, butt implants are now available in different sizes, shapes (round, oval and the tear drop shaped implant) and surfaces (smooth or textured). All kinds of butt implants consist of a silicone shell filled with a highly cohesive silicone or solid silicone gel that cannot leak.

So, if you are tired of failing to achieve the svelte behind despite exercising strenuously, you can get that perfectly shapes buttocks through butt implants. All it needs a careful aftercare. Taking very good care of yourself during a post-surgical period, therefore, is highly advisable to speed up the healing process.

Are You Needing a Breast Reduction?

Over-sized breasts can be an emotional burden and source of physical discomfort to many. Breast reduction involves a surgical procedure where excess breast fats and glandular tissues are removed to achieve that proportional breast size. Brest reduction surgery has been a common practice for quite some time and has helped many patients alleviate some of the physical symptoms such as shoulder grooves, neck and back pains.

Our competent cosmetic surgeons will improve on your breast symmetry to eliminate sagging. Your breasts will be lifted to maintain a firmer position where your Bras will fit just comfortably. During the surgical procedure, large nipples or overstretched areolas can be reduced and manipulated to attain that size of your choice.

When it comes to choosing a cosmetic surgeon, it’s vital to take your precious time. Here, we have all that takes to guarantee you the best of surgical operation while creating a more beautiful breast shape that’ll definitely look natural with your body. Our surgeons have stood the test of time; they have performed several successful procedures and we take pride when it comes to safety, quality and first-hand expertise in the field.

Surgical techniques

With a variety of surgical techniques, we’ll always choose the best for you depending on your desired outcome, amount & type of tissues to be removed and the breast anatomy.

For a long lasting, less invasive and shorter breast reduction procedure, liposuction will suit you the best. It works exceptionally well with patients who need slight breasts moderation from the existing condition. Those with overly large breast size due to excess fatty tissue with good skin elasticity are the best candidates for this procedure.

Vertical breasts reduction is common with those having noticeable breast sagging. The procedure involves two well-structured incisions around the areola. Here, excess fats and breasts tissues are removed before the breasts are slightly lifted to a youthful position.

Another technique is the inverted-T procedural method. This involves three careful incisions. One is done underneath the breasts along the crease, one vertically to the crease from the areola and the other on the edge of the areola. For significant breast size reduction, this technique will be the best option since it allows for maximum removal of tissues.

Our surgical breast reduction is an outpatient procedure. After a brief time of supervised recovery, you’ll be good to go home with a surgical bra for complete recovery. Prescribed painkillers will also relieve some considerable soreness common within the first week of surgery.

With our affordable and competitive prices, you can enjoy the lighter breasts, the comfortable posture and feel the stream of confidence in your new look. Book with us today and let us solve any of your oversized breast challenges in the best ways possible.

Breast Augmentation Procedure – What You Need To Know

The breast augmentation – which is also often referred to as breast implants, boob job, breast enlargement, augmentation mammoplasty, and more – is a popular procedure to enhance the shape, fullness or size of a woman’s breasts. A certified surgeon places saline, silicone or composite breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles.

What is Involved in Breast Augmentations Procedure?

The patient may choose between local or general anesthesia. When you’re under local anesthesia, you will be awake, but the surgical area will be numbed. However, most surgeons prefer general anesthesia for the procedure.

The Incision – The patient and surgeon need to discuss incision options. It’s important that the surgeon explains what’s suitable for the patient, and even her desired outcome. Some incision options include :

Transaxillary Incision – In your armpit

Inframammary Incision – In the crease under your breast

Periareolar Incision – Around your nipple

Your choice to use a particular incision will depend on many different factors, including your anatomy, degree of enlargement, surgeon patient preference and type of implant.

Placing and Inserting Your Breast Implant – Your breast implant will be inserted into a pocket. These days, you can choose between two types of placements:

Submammary Placement – The implants are placed behind your breast tissue over your pectoral muscle.

Submuscular Placement – The implants are placed under your pectoral muscle. When the implants are placed here, the recovery period may be longer. You may even experience some post operative pain.

The techniques used for placing breast implants have improved recovery times and post surgery complications.

Incisions are Closed – Your surgeon will close the incision with some layered stitches in your breast tissue. The surgeon may also use surgical tape and skin adhesives to close your skin, and keep it closed. For some time, you may notice incision lines. However, they will fade after sometime.

Results of breast augmentation are evident right away. In the beginning, you may experience some swelling. However, this will resolve within just a couple of weeks. When the swelling finally dies down, and incision lines fade away, you will have a better idea about the results. You will notice if the results met your expectations.

Recovery Period

When the anesthesia wears off, you may be given some painkillers to relieve the discomfort and pain. After the anesthesia, you shouldn’t drive immediately. Anesthesia can affect your reasoning and coordinating skills for about 24 hours. It’s always better to have a friend or relative stay with you for a day.

It’s also important not to engage in strenuous physical activities for about six weeks. The surgeon will also encourage you to perform some post operative exercises, such as moving your arms and flex to relieve discomfort and pain.

Due to more advanced techniques, including subglandular and submuscular placements, recovery periods have significantly improved. Moreover, you don’t experience a lot of post surgical complications. It’s very important to follow your surgeon’s advice regarding the type of bra you should wear, and when you should wear it.

If your surgeons used stitches that don’t dissolve or placed some drainage tubes near your breasts, you may have to visit for a follow up appointment to get them removed. If you follow the instructions, you can minimize the risk of complications after your breast augmentations surgery.