Look Years Younger with a Facelift

One opts for a facelift to get rid of sagging and facial wrinkles caused due to aging. The surgery depends on the number of wrinkles to be removed and varies from “minimally invasive lunchtime lifts” to more widespread and time-consuming surgeries. Apart from removing excess skin and tightening internal tissues as well as muscles, the surgery also red rapes the skin of the face and neck. In addition to that, facelift corrects double chin and removes jowls and marionette lines.

People undergo facelift surgery to experience a thorough facial rejuvenation, and sometimes they get results better than what they expected.

Conditions when a facelift is often considered:

  1. If one feels that his/her face does not reflect the grace, beauty, and youth as before
  2. If one feels the excess facial skin is hindering his/her successful career pursuit
  3. If one still retains the skin elasticity in spite of the signs of aging
  4. If one tends to look older than his/her age due to hereditary reasons

Every cosmetic surgery procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages; the facelift is no exception.

Advantages of a Facelift

  • One facelift surgery can rectify multiple areas of face simultaneously.
  • Facelift surgery persists for as many as ten years and even more and makes one appear almost 10 to 15 years younger than her age.
  • Facelift surgery is the best technique for re-contouring jawline and neck.

Disadvantages the Facelift Surgery

– Facelift can rejuvenate your face to give you a younger version, but it cannot change a particular organ of your face with which you are not happy.

– Often a secondary procedure is required depending on the person’s skin type and age.

– Common facial characteristics, which make one an ideal candidate for facelift

– If one possesses sagging skin in his mid face or near jaw line

– If one exhibits nasolabial folds (creases that extend from nose to the corners of mouth)

– If one has marionette lines (lines that extend from the corner of the mouth to the lower portion of chin)

– If the facial skin gets lose due to the displacement of excess facial fat

– If one shows jowls due to loss of muscle tone

– If one has double chin owing to excess fat or loose chin

– If one displays creased skin in the neck region

Last but not the least one should have an optimistic view and realistic expectations from the surgery and only then he/she can become a good candidate for the procedure.

The various types of facelift procedures are as follows:

* SMAS Lift (where SMAS stands for Superficial Musculo Apo neurotic System)
* Composite Facelift
* Deep Plane Facelift
* Mid Facelift
* Mini Facelift
* Subperiosteally Facelift
* Thread lift
* MACS Facelift (where MACS stand for Minimal Access Cranial Suspension)
* Skin-only Facelift

If you live in the Des Moines area and are considering a facelift, or are wondering if a face lift surgery is for you, contact us for a consultation.

Mommy Makeover – Get Your Body Back!

A growing number of women are choosing to have a “mommy makeover” after giving birth, providing them with an improved sense of self-esteem and more confidence in their appearance. Typically, this includes several types of cosmetic procedures rolled into one. These procedures include breast augmentation, liposuction, breast lifts, and tummy tucks. As with any sort of cosmetic procedure, a mommy makeover can provide several benefits.

Tailored to Fit Individual Needs

No two women’s bodies are alike, and each woman has her own individual desires when it comes to her appearance. A mommy makeover is designed to address a woman’s specific needs to improve her appearance after pregnancy. For example, if a lady just can’t seem to get rid of certain pockets of fat no matter how much she exercises and watches her diet, she may want to consider liposuction. A tummy tuck may be better for women whose stomach muscles have weakened after giving birth. Talk to your doctor and carefully spell out exactly what areas are giving you trouble so that he or she can develop the right plan for you.

Reduced Recovery Time

If you choose to have multiple procedures performed at different times, you can spend months recovering from each one. It may seem that you’re spending all of your time either having a procedure or healing from it. Because different treatments are combined into one mommy makeover, recovery time is significantly lessened because you’ll be healing from all of your procedures at once.

Getting Back to Normal

The majority of women who go through a pregnancy encounter substantial changes in their physiques. Sometimes, diet and exercise simply aren’t enough to recapture the body that you had before you became pregnant. You may still experience abdominal overhanging, sagging breast, and fat deposits that just won’t go away. A mommy makeover, however, can help you return to your shape before pregnancy or even improve it.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem

This is probably the biggest benefit most women experience after having this type of procedure performed. Having a child is a transformative experience, both physically and emotionally, and many women choose the time afterward to change their entire lifestyle. For them, they view this procedure as a way to look as good outside as they feel inside. They want to take part in new activities and wear new clothes, and the procedure is an important first step toward making those kinds of changes.

Again, it is extremely important that you thoroughly discuss all of your options with your doctor. The better informed you are before that discussion, the more comfortable you will be with your final choice. Ask as many questions as you can possibly think of so that you can make sure your decision is the right one.

Schedule Your Des Moines Mommy Makeover Consultation Today

Are You Considering a Nose Job?

Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to change or correct the look or shape of the nose. It is also performed by surgeons to improve the function of the nose due to birth defects or trauma. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, rhinoplasty is among the top 10 most performed procedures by plastic surgeons. However, due to the complexity of the nose, rhinoplasty is a relatively difficult cosmetic surgical procedure that needs to be performed by skilled and experienced surgeons.

How to know if you are a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty

To know if you are the right candidate for this surgical procedure, you need to visit a surgeon for thorough nose examination. The surgeon will then tell you if you are the perfect candidate for rhinoplasty or not.

What is involved during the procedure?

Rhinoplasty is usually done on the same day basis. The surgery will be performed under general anesthesia and the entire surgical procedure will not last for more than 2 hours. Depending on your specific situation, the surgeon may make incisions using an open technique or a closed technique in order to give you the desired results. During the procedure, the surgeon will rearrange or remove cartilage or in some cases break and rearrange the bone in order to reshape the nose. Afterwards, the surgeon will close the incisions on the nose and a long acting numbing agent will be used to ensure that you leave the surgery center pain free.

Recovery period for rhinoplasty

You will be required to wear a nasal splint for a period of 10-15 days after the surgical procedure. You may experience moderate bruising and swelling especially around your eyes but the problem will subside after one week. During the recovery period, you will expected to avoid involving yourself in strenuous activities for a period of 4 weeks. Your surgeon will let you know when you should resume performing your normal daily activities.

What to expect after rhinoplasty

Positive results from this surgical procedure will be noticed once the swelling and bruising goes down and your surgeon removes the nasal splint. However, once you have fully recovered, the appearance of your nose as well as its function will greatly improve.

Risks involved during rhinoplasty

Just like any other surgical procedure, rhinoplasty also involves some risks. However, if done by the right surgeon, the risks involved are very minimal. Some of the risks involved include numbness, swelling, infection, possible collapse of the nose, residual deformity, external scaring and nose bleeds.

Butt Implants: Make Your Booty Bigger, Rounder & Fuller

Curvy is in, and many women regardless of age are increasingly turning to butt implants to achieve a fuller, rounder and curvier booty.

Individuals who aren’t satisfied with the contours of their backside, or who wish to enhance the appearance and size of their buttocks area can attain this through the use of butt implants.

In recent years, the demand for buttock augmentation surgery using implants has seen an upward trend despite the facts that the cost of getting butt implants surgically placed can go through the roof and that the health insurance companies usually do not cover the cost of the procedure.

Butt Implants: The Basics
Unlike breast implants, butt implants are solid silicone pouches that are inserted into the buttocks through a small incision. Since the butt implants are made of solid silicon they cannot rupture and leak any fluid into the body.

While performing the surgery, the surgeon first makes a two to three-inch incision either towards the top on both sides of the upper buttock or at the point where the butt meets the top of the thigh. Then a pocket is created by the surgeon and the solid silicone implant is inserted into this newly created pocket through the incision.

While the implants usually are positioned between the buttock muscle and fat, in some cases they are implanted within the main buttock muscle.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Buttock implantation takes at least two hours to complete and the patient can go home within an hour or so after the surgery.

Swelling of the treated area may last for up to three months, and the same time period is required for the implants to settle into their normal position. Nearly a week after the operation, the patient is able to do normal, everyday activities, including sitting and walking for a short distance. For any strenuous activity, like gym work, bicycling, or running you are advised to wait for four to six weeks.

Following the surgery, you may be given a surgical garment to wear for about two to three weeks. As only a small incision is made in the buttock fold, only a small scar will appear which will gradually become less visible.

Infection, bleeding, blood clots, nerve, and/or muscle damage, numbness or tingling, slippage and asymmetry in the butts are some risks and complications that are associated with surgical implantation of butt implants.

With the latest advancements, butt implants are now available in different sizes, shapes (round, oval and the tear drop shaped implant) and surfaces (smooth or textured). All kinds of butt implants consist of a silicone shell filled with a highly cohesive silicone or solid silicone gel that cannot leak.

So, if you are tired of failing to achieve the svelte behind despite exercising strenuously, you can get that perfectly shapes buttocks through butt implants. All it needs a careful aftercare. Taking very good care of yourself during a post-surgical period, therefore, is highly advisable to speed up the healing process.